Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I'm broke. How could I make this happen?
A: We did our part by breaking the costs down to an affordable monthly subscription. The first phase of this program only requires $525.00 for the lifetime membership. You eventually get back $500.00 in value. So, in essence, you are only paying $25.00 to receive a highly valued system. We decided to set a minimum of $35.00 for the monthly subscription to attract ONLY the kind of people willing to make a reasonable commitment to their own financial well being. Please be proactive in pursuing your training.

Q: Do you accept PayPal?
A: Yes. One of our affiliates requires a bank card. However, we use PayPal to manage your subscription.

Q: How do I receive my training?
A: Call in. Get assignments. Read our blogs. Use the many no cost resources provided in 50,000 North American Marketers. Become an active member and communicator on AMG, the Aspinwall Mastermind Group. Invite people to the PC Forum. Master your skills. Focus entirely upon referring new PC members and leave the rest to us. We designed the PC to make things simple and relatively easy to do.

Q: How do you mean that the PC is an easy program.
A: We designed the Money Power System and put it in outline form on this blog. Start your own note book. Use our outline. Dedicate one page to each point in the outline. Call Ken Aspinwall for edification. Make good notes. By doing your due diligence, you will acquire knowledge and the picture will become clear. The ball is in your court. The resources are prepared and ready. Come and see.

Q: What if I already have a business?
A: You will benefit because the PC was designed to be a feeder program to help new and existing marketers to get paid while building their list. However, we have had PC members to make their own executive decisions to drop their low performance businesses to get focused on ALL of the solutions that we provide through the PC. Yes, the PC is an ALL solutions provider to support your marketing business, existing or in the future. Our portfolio contains everything you need to effectively market and leverage into big pay outs.

Q: I don't have PayPal.
A: No problem. Ask us and we'll send you an invitation.

Q: Do you recommend any third party courses?
A: Yes, we offer a good many no cost resources and we do recommend one paid course that is less than $50.00 to acquire. Ask Ken Aspinwall for the link.

Q: Are there any guarantees?
A: It is against federal law to guarantee earnings on a business of this nature. We do guarantee that if you will be proactive in your training, our system does work. Yes, we've completed a pilot project and we do certify the validity and viability and the authenticity of every affiliate and resource that we deal with. Therefore, you are on solid ground. You are not taking senseless risks by pursuing the PC.

Q: Is this a pyramid?
A: Don't take our word for it. Go read the FTC documents for yourself. Essentially, when a business receives income from selling products and/or services, the business is deemed legitimate. You can see that we are describing our products and services. We have also disclosed the costs. A well informed person can see these things.

Q: How do I know the difference between a valid business and a scam?
A: Scams usually ask you to join straight after you read their sales letter. This is a warning sign. Look at us. Look at our process. We would love for you to make an informed decision. We refuse to try to grab you in haste. This is a no hype zone. We engage you in consultative selling by asking you thoughtful questions. This draws you out and gives you total control in putting your picture together. Join us only AFTER you have taken the survey, interviewed with us, read our blogs and obtained answers to all of your questions. Again, we ONLY want dedicated people who have the ability to make a strong and well informed commitment. It's the ONLY way to do business. We'll be patient with you.

Q: How do I join?
A: We ask that you take this survey and let us evaluate you and interview you. We both want to be a good match. We both want to enter into a mutual commitment. We both want to know what to expect. Click here to the survey.

If we didn't cover everything, please become a member of this blog and make your comments or ask your questions. We invite the transparency.

Be wise. Be fortunate.